Thursday, January 05, 2006


Today I painted a room in my house. There was a lot of crap in the
room in the beginning, but once I got that cleared out and bought some
supplies, it went smooth. It still needs to be trimmed, but it looks

I went to the store to get less then $10 worth of paint supplies. What
I left with was about $50 of paint supplies and $50 of other junk I
didn't need. While I was at the store a guy approached me and told me
he had returned some stuff and all they would give him was store
credit, but he needed cash. He told me he'd take $30 cash for a $42
card. So, I verified the card's value at $42.70 and handed over the
cash. It was a weird situation, but not more weird than the time I
bought $350 of meat from a random guy that knocked on my front door.
Ask me about it sometime.


At Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:28:00 AM, Blogger Jess said...

Explain the meat.


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